We're fueled by a vision; gassed up on the idea that God never called us to be "gloomy saints" (St. Teresa of Avila). That following God is the most joyful and worthwhile of endeavors. We're obsessed with the idea that deliverance from self is true freedom; that we don't have to resign ourselves to an anxious, fearful, or lonely existence. We're believers that ordinary moments are actually fronts for heroic opportunities to do good; that holiness is a call of love for the many.
After all, "It is not God who tires of granting us mercy, it is we who tire of asking for it" - Pope Francis. God is always willing to shower us with His love, it is we who struggle to accept it. That struggle is only human, and we acknowledge the answer is the steadfast patience of Christ Divine.
We believe the love of God never called us to divisions or factions; all of that is pride and ego confused by passion. There isn't this Church or that Church, there is only the Church, the Body of Christ unified by one Baptism in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. God is a refuge for the tired, the suffering, the broken, and the ill. If we are honest, that is all of us in some way or another in varying state of wellness and brokenness throughout our lives.
So what are we? We're a community, a technology platform, a media outlet, and so much more. We're friends willing to walk alongside souls seeking answers to the most important questions. Due to our passion for the mission, we will explore every good and noble topic under the sun. This is honest media, like you've never seen it before.
So with that out of the way, welcome home to this community of unapologetically Catholic souls; Christians, all of us with a purpose. We're here to welcome and support passionate seekers of the good from every walk of life without compromise of truth, while seeking to emulate the charity of His Love. All are welcome to exchange ideas, consume meaningful content, submit their own thoughts, and learn about God together. We're always learning on this journey. All that is required is an open attitude, respect for the dignity of others, and a willingness to be brave and embrace the depths. After all, the journey is incredible.
We're all on that journey, so it's not our place to judge you, only to love you. Take a look around, peep it, and let us know what you think.
Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us.